
Lori is not only an exceptional person, she is proactive and committed to helping others share and tell their story.   Our high school class celebrated our 30th reunion this summer and although Lori could not attend, she offered to help each of us share our story about our lives (and how they have changed) since graduation. She gathered individual stories via email and created our 30th reunion - class yearbook.  Not only did this help build energy and excitement for our event but it helped others who could not attend, feel more connected and engaged with their high school classmates.  

Lori is the type of person that is genuinely interested in whomever she's with. She asks honest questions, and seems to be able to see deep into your soul. She is insightful and compassionate, giving her best, most caring self to each meeting and getting the best in return.

Heather Frodsham

The old tradition of storytelling, which gave us a sense of belonging and knowing our heritage, has sadly been lost in this modern era. Once the person who's story we wish we had taken the time to capture is gone, it's gone forever. Lori is a master in helping you capture that story by asking the right questions and then using her talent to create a story book that can carry that person's story forward for generations to come.

Camilla Kragius

Lori worked closely with me for 14 years. In writing my weekly message of inspiration and direction, she always provided the finishing touch that ignited ones energy and created the essential link to ones heart and mind. Her creative talents and critical eye made the message to my organization more meaningful, readable, and relevant.


Roger M. McQueen